Big Island Snorkling Tours Blog

Hawaiian Marine Life

Monk Seal on beach

Join us on the Hoku Nui for a snorkel tour and sail the blue waters to Kealakekua Bay and check out the Hawaiian Marine Life.

According to Hawaiian Airlines, the fact that Hawaii is so remote has led to interesting marine life.  Snorkeling is a must do activity when in Hawaii so that you can see some of the sea life in their own habitat that cannot be found anywhere else on the planet.

About 25% of the fish in Hawaii are indigenous to Hawaii and may have come during their larvae stage, floating on currents to the islands.  The Picasso Triggerfish, which is the State fish and commonly known as the humuhumunukunukuapuaa is not indigenous to Hawaii.  You can find this fish in and around reefs in the Indo-Pacific Region.

About 20% of the invertebrates found in Hawaii, including crabs, octopuses, shrimp, lobsters, sponges, and sea urchins are indigenous to Hawaii.  These animals live In the coral reefs around the islands.  The coral reefs of Hawaii are not the same pink and purple color found in other tropical areas.  This is believed to be because of the youth of the Hawaiian island compared to other regions.

Other sea animals that are common to Hawaii include the Humpback Whale, Spinner Dolphins, Manta Rays, Monk Seals, Sharks and Green Sea Turtles.

Book a tour with Sea Paradise for the best snorkel experience in Hawaii and see the marine life that you can’t see anywhere else in the world!


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