Big Island Snorkling Tours Blog

Five Different Planets Will Align In The Hawaii Night Sky During An Incredibly Rare Display

Megan McDonald for Only In Your State on the rare June planet allignment.   Join us on the Hoku Nui for a night manta ray tour and you will see the night sky as well as the majestic mantas.  However, you have to get up very early to catch the planet lineup.

If you’re looking for a spectacular night display, make sure you see these five planets align in Hawaii. This rare phenomenon is happening during the month of June, peaking towards the end of the month. Make sure to set your alarm clocks so you won’t miss the chance to see this unique occurrence!

This month in Hawaii is a rare celestial phenomenon where five planets align in the night sky.

During the month of June, you’ll have the chance to see the unique phenomena that hasn’t happened in years. The last time this event happened was in 2004.

Five planets – Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn – will all appear to line up in the predawn sky.

The planets will appear to be in a row because of the way they travel on their plane of the solar system. They will be visible to the naked eye, but you can definitely see them better if you have a telescope or binoculars.

From left to right in the night sky you’ll see Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn.

You’ll also see a sliver of a crescent moon in the path between Venus and Mars. Even though these planets look like they’re close, there are still millions of miles between them.

Because the show is so early, make sure to set an alarm to our short pre-dawn hours for the best show.

Make sure you’re viewing south/southeast; you’ll want to check what time Mercury is out to calculate when the best time is to view. We love the Night Sky Map; it will let you know the best time to head out for the show!

The best opportunity to see this planet lineup is on June 24th.

Any time that week will be a great opportunity, but June 24th will be the best. If you can make it out in the early hours, perhaps on the beach or on top of a mountain with no light pollution, you’ll have ideal viewing conditions.

The planets should shine bright for your viewing pleasure.

Timing it for when Mercury is rising will be the trickiest part, but luckily Mercury will be out before the sun rises for just over an hour. That should give you enough time to take in the show.

If you have the option to see this in person, make it a priority!



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